
Indian IT Outsourcers Anxious Over Potential Changes To H-1B Visas

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Members of the Indian media watch Rajiv Bansal, then the CFO of Infosys, during the announcement of the company's first quarter results in July 2014 in Bangalore. Indian software services firms draw tens of billions of dollars in revenue from U.S. contracts each year, and that's partly reliant exporting computer science talent on H-1B visas. (AFP/Getty Images)
Members of the Indian media watch Rajiv Bansal, then the CFO of Infosys, during the announcement of the company's first quarter results in July 2014 in Bangalore. Indian software services firms draw tens of billions of dollars in revenue from U.S. contracts each year, and that's partly reliant exporting computer science talent on H-1B visas. (AFP/Getty Images)



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