
Poem: Mr. Weiner's Misdemeanor

Anthony Weiner stands beside his wife Huma Abedin as he addresses the press about allegations of sexual text messages on July 23, 2013, in New York. (Kathy Willens/AP)
Anthony Weiner stands beside his wife Huma Abedin as he addresses the press about allegations of sexual text messages on July 23, 2013, in New York. (Kathy Willens/AP)

Editor's note: Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin is separating from husband Anthony Weiner. The announcement came after yet another sexting revelation involving the former congressman from New York. Our poet of the political scene, Erika Fine, offers her take below.

W E I N E R   M I S D E M E A N O R

Anthony Weiner lived up to his name,

An addled text addict — has he no shame?

Though most knew that Weiner was not a great catch,

With Huma he made an improbable match.

But Huma was more or less always away;

She traipsed after Hillary, day after day,

As a trusted advisor and well-traveled aide,

While her husband sat home, texted photos, and strayed.

And even when trying a comeback as mayor,

He kept up his texting, a chronic betrayer.

You’d think that while running for high public office

He’d show some control and become extra cautious

But his cravings and unconscious need to be caught

Soon prevailed over prudence and rational thought.

Now Trump says that Weiner’s uncouth immaturity

Might harm and imperil our nation’s security.

Yes, Donald said Carlos might put us in Danger

(And could this election become any stranger?)

We know Hillary’s bond with poor Huma is strong

And perhaps there’s good reason the two get along:


Yes, Hillary understands mortification --

A husband’s misdeeds aired in front of the nation.

And smiling in public through each allegation

While stewing in silence with mounting frustration.

Gallant Huma stayed put in the face of each scandal

But at last he was more than she wanted to handle

So Huma left Weiner; she’s better alone,

But will he continue to sext on his phone?

His promising future was ruined years ago

But they have a small child who one day will know

That his father’s misdeeds made his mother’s heart sink,

So Anthony Weiner, please go to a shrink!


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Erika Fine Cognoscenti contributor
Erika Fine is a freelance editor and writer.



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