
Poem: Trump, Unfurled

President-elect Donald Trump speaks during an election night rally in New York. (Evan Vucci/AP)
President-elect Donald Trump speaks during an election night rally in New York. (Evan Vucci/AP)

Editor's Note: Cognoscenti's poet of the political scene, Erika Fine, reflects, in verse, on the stunning outcome of the election.


How could polling be so wrong

And not predict that Trump was strong?!

Yes, Trump’s the victor, loud and clear,

And Clinton’s fans convulsed with fear.

Michigan was neck and neck,

Pennsylvania, what the heck!?

“A stunning upset!” shrieked the news,

As Clinton’s cohorts sang the blues.

The global finance markets crashed

As Clinton’s lofty hopes were dashed.

Some said Comey bore the blame

Or can’t we yet elect a dame?

Or maybe blame the frantic news,

Which values numbers, clicks, and views,

Or right-wing groups that aim to strip

The Voting Rights Act of its grip.

On CNN, Van Jones maintained

An ugly “whitelash” was unchained,

A backlash to our first black POTUS,

Putting Democrats on notice:


“This country’s changing much too fast

And we prefer our rosy past,”

A past that Donald swore he missed,

A past that never did exist.

His win surprised the anxious world,

So now get set for Trump, unfurled.

Headshot of Erika Fine

Erika Fine Cognoscenti contributor
Erika Fine is a freelance editor and writer.



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