
Poem: A Conversation Between Two Liberals

Protestors demonstrate against the election of President-elect Donald Trump during a rally outside Trump Tower, Saturday, Nov. 12, 2016, in New York. (Mary Altaffer/AP)
Protestors demonstrate against the election of President-elect Donald Trump during a rally outside Trump Tower, Saturday, Nov. 12, 2016, in New York. (Mary Altaffer/AP)

Editor's note: Voters who are disheartened by Donald Trump’s victory are reacting in different ways. Cognoscenti's poet of the political scene, Erika Fine, captures, in verse, a "conversation" between an escapist and an activist.

E L E C T I O N   R E F L E C T I O N   :   W H A T ' S   A   L I B E R A L   T O   D O ?

Pretend it never happened and escape from real life.

No, demonstrate with placards and find unity in strife!

Read mysteries and sci fi and indulge in Netflix dramas.

Get active; save the legacy that proudly is Obama’s!

Ignore the news forever and read only arts and sports.

Devise a plan to block Scalia-copies from the courts!            

Indulge in carbs and candy and drink a lot of wine.

No, plan for an impeachment and demand that Trump resign!

But that would bring us Pence whose hard-right views will never thaw.

Then protest and prevent those views from jelling into law.

I’ll relish “hot stove” season as a baseball-nut obsessive.

That’s selfish and indulgent for a person who’s progressive!

Or fantasize a move, perhaps to Canada or Finland.

No, stay and work for progress, whether east or west or inland!

Or pray that Trump as president’s not Trump the mad campaigner.

I doubt he’ll change; at root, he’s just a B-grade entertainer. 

Ivanka, once a Democrat, might calm his hard-nosed stances.

Your optimism’s flawed; your little pipe dream has no chances.

Already he is softening on healthcare and the wall.

I doubt that once in office he’ll be president for all.


But maybe he will learn he needs to listen to all voices.

For America’s salvation he may have no other choices!

And maybe he’ll denounce the hate that fueled his sad campaign.

And keep our country great by acting civil and humane. 

A Hillary Clinton supporter is pictured at the Jacob Javits Center in New York, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016. (Matt Rourke/AP)
A Hillary Clinton supporter is pictured at the Jacob Javits Center in New York, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016. (Matt Rourke/AP)


Headshot of Erika Fine

Erika Fine Cognoscenti contributor
Erika Fine is a freelance editor and writer.



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