
This song wants you to stick out your what!?

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Screenshot of the original "Sticking out your gyat for the rizzler" video. (Credit: homestucklover398)
Screenshot of the original "Sticking out your gyat for the rizzler" video. (Credit: homestucklover398)

Scroll down the rabbit hole that is TikTok (or Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts) and you might just find a few songs that seem to make no sense. At least, they didn't for us when we first heard them. We're talking about Homestucklover398's "Sticking out your Gyat for the Rizzler" parody song. And if, like us, you have no idea what that means when you first encounter it, then strap in and get ready to be schooled on what the internet is coining "Gen Alpha Lingo."

We might not have Gen Alpha in the workforce yet, but we've got our resident Gen Zer Jacob Garcia ready to break down these seemingly nonsensical words.

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This content was originally created for audio. The transcript has been edited from our original script for clarity. Heads up that some elements (i.e. music, sound effects, tone) are harder to translate to text.

Ben: Well, Jacob, it's your show. We're just living in it.

Amory: Why are we here? What are we talking about?

Jacob:So I was scrolling on Instagram one day and I saw this video.It's a clip of somebody playing Fortnite. Nothing too strange there. But the really weird thing is you hear a song and this song makes no sense when you're listening to it. It's got a lot of this weird internet lingo that I felt really, really confused by. And when you listen to it, I think you guys might be as lost as I was at the start of this. So I found out It's just a bunch of internet buzzwords wrapped up together into this song. And I had to and up going down a rabbit hole, to sort of understand what was happening in this song.We're going to get to the bottom of it. Check it out.


[SONG: Sticking out your gyat for the Rizzler. You're so skibidi, you're so Phanum tax. I just wanna be your sima. Freaking, come here, gimme your Ohio.]

Jacob: So did you guys understand single word that was said?

Amory: Sigma. I heard Sigma in there

Jacob: Yeah Sigma! you also heard Rizzler. You heard Phanom tax. You heard Ohio… which is a word we know but maybe this meaning is different. You heard gyat. All in this weird song.

Ben: I feel like, um, some pitch training might be warranted, might be, uh, warranted for the singer.

Amory: This, this singer quote unquote has like a three note, a three whole step range. They can't be inconvenienced to change pitch too much.

Jacob: So that's actually, it sounds like that on purpose. It's a cover of another song. by this group called Suicidal Thoughts. Uh, their song is called Ecstasy.


So this person on the internet that goes by the name Homestucklover398, uh, was the first person to upload this video. So it's got all these, like, hot buzzwords that a lot of people, including, like, Gen Z, are feeling really confused by. So I thought. It would make sense to try to break them down and figure out what is going on here, what do all these buzzwords mean, and how can we sort of use them, maybe, even in our own vocabulary.


Jacob: So, Sigma, that's something that, that you guys are familiar with.

Amory: Yeah

Ben: Sure.

Amory: the greek letter?

Jacob: Have you heard anybody refer to themselves as, like, an alpha male?

Ben: Oh, yeah.

Jacob: So the Sigma male, they're In their own minds, on par with alpha males. But the key difference that separates them from alphas is that they're like loners. So if you see a lot of like, sigma male memes, people will be like, Yeah, I'm like, I'm a sigma male, I'm a lone wolf, I'm a lone ranger.

Amory: And, and this, this is a gen Gen, whatever comes after Gen Z thing?

Jacob: I'd say it's more Gen Z and Millennial, honestly, than Gen Alpha.

Amory: Okay, Gen Alpha, this is all new to me. Gen Alpha is what we're calling the generation. That makes sense!

Ben: Oh my god, Amory, catch up!

Amory: I'm sorry! I'm busy!


Jacob: I think the really interesting thing is the way that it's really rounded around this like, grind set again. It's this idea of like, you know, working hard and becoming rich.

Amory: And Gen Alpha is thinking about this when they're, How old is Gen Alpha?

Jacob: Gen Alpha starts at 2012.

Amory: So at the age of 11, these people are like, rising and grinding. [Laughter]

Ben: You weren't rising and grinding at 11 years old, Amory?

Amory: I mean, I kind of was. I already was babysitting.

Ben: Yeah.

Amory: I was teaching piano.

Ben: Yeah! I was a paper boy.

Amory: I had my birthday party business, the Balloonatics. Yeah.

Ben: Yeah.

Jacob: The Balloonatics.

Amory: Yeah, we can get that's a separate story. We can get into that later.

Jacob: Where does that thread go?

Amory: Let's stay on this one, because otherwise whooo…

Jacob: So, let's rewind a little bit. Rizz, you're, you're familiar with that, right?

Amory: I, I am, but only recently. Charisma, it's like, you got rizz, you got charisma.

Ben: I thought it was a very minor Batman villain. I thought it was like the Riddler's weird cousin, the Rizzler.

Amory: Did I actually know something that Ben didn't know? Or are you joking?

Ben: Oh man. You mean from the internet?

Amory: can we mark this?

Ben: Yeah. Yeah, for sure.

Amory: Excellent. Okay. One point, Amory. Okay, tell us the rest.

Jacob: So a lot of these terms, um, were popularized by a streamer. So his name is Kai Cenat. Uh, does that name stick out to you guys?

Ben: Oh yeah. I know of Kai Cenat, yeah.

Amory: Okay, one point, Ben.

Jacob: So Kaisanat is a streamer on Twitch. A way he really got big is he started this hosting a 24 hour subathon. There's like a camera set up in his bedroom, you're watching him sleep.

Ben: This boring dystopia is running out of ideas, is what I have to say. If that's how he gets paid, so be it.

Jacob: So Kai Cenat, he's another buzzword. You're gonna hear him in a lot of these other covers using the same sort of style of songs. So basically this whole meme is just recreating another song that's already known, and you're changing the lyrics to these buzzwords. You'll hear, people cover, like, Hallelujah.


[SONG: Sticking out our gyatts for the rizzler by Fundamentally Sound A Capella]

Jacob: So, Kai Cenat, he popularized a few of these things here, like, Gyat! Have you ever heard that term before, guys?

Ben: No,

Amory: Certainly not. Certainly gyat!

Ben: I hate to say this, but the last time Amory and I were connected with something like this, I'm pretty sure it was “yeet”. I think yeet is the last, is the last time.

Amory: Did you teach me yeet?

Ben: I think we like, sort of taught each other. We yeeted each other. It was a coyeeting


Jacob: So gyat! It's like, shortened form of god damn. But the way that Kai Cenat popularized it is more like, as an exclamation. And it's something that he says anytime he sees a curvy woman, in particular.

Ben: Can I just say, like, on the one hand, it's like, to each their own. Every new generation has some like silly things that they say. And I've made up silly words with my own friends. So like, I support this as an idea. And at the same time when I like, I hear you describe it and I hear the song, Jacob, like something about it also feels like dark and terrible to me. But maybe I'm just getting old.

Jacob: We're not at the dark and terrible part yet.

Ben: Oh, we didn't even get there yet?

Amory: We were, we were ready to be like, and in summary, every generation has its own vernacular. And Jacob's like, no, no.

Ben: It gets worse.

Amory: It’s getting worse. Okay.

Jacob: So, just for a refresher, I'll just say all the lyrics again, right? So, sticking out your gyat for the rizzler. You're so skibidi. You're so phanum tax. So, Phanum, Phanum is a streamer who lives in the same house as Kai Cenat. And every time Kai Senat is eating on stream, um, he gets a Phanum tax. And so the phanum tax is literally him busting in and eating whatever Kaisanat is eating.

Ben: I do this to my kids all the time. I'm always busting in and stealing their food.

Amory: I thought that was just the dad tax.

Ben: That's a dad tax. It's the same thing.

To me, again, this reminds me of, like, what I do with my own friends, right? You know, you come up with these like little inside jokes and things that you do with each other and to each other.

And it's like when you know someone for a long time or you have like an intensely close relationship with them. Like that's what you do. But it also feels a little bit weird because it's getting mainstreamed via social platform.

Amory: How big is this? Am I going to start hearing this on the street?

Jacob: Maybe. So, Kaisanat, he's been watched for over 107. 5 million hours.

Amory: I mean, who has the time, really? That's the question I want to know. What are they doing? They're just watching this. What are they not doing when they're just watching this, you know?

Ben: Well you well you remember Amory, I mean, sure. Yes, you and, um, Balloonomaniacs or whatever were, I'm sure, were very busy

Amory: The balloonatics!

Ben: Oh I’m sorry, the Balloonatics, uh, were very busy, I'm sure. But at the same time, when you are a kid, you have a lot of free time to just, like, you know, waste on stupid stuff.

For me, it was like playing video games and for people who are younger than me, like a lot of it is watching other people play video games and for other people, maybe it's, you know, levying a phanum tax. It's just the continuation of what we all do for amusement when we have all the time in the world before we understand all the other things that we have to do.

Jacob: I was really, um, amazed by, uh, Jackass as a kid. So me and my friends would just do stupid stunts. Like, putting ourselves in a bucket and then like, dragging that down a hill on a bike. You know, stuff like that.

Amory: You were out in the fresh air. You were, you were taking risks. And you were, you know, making mischief. And doing stunts. And that, that to me is like exciting and refreshing.

Ben: But the Phanum tax is mischief. That's mischievous.

Amory: But it's watching a screen.

Ben: I guess for me You know, I go back and forth on this stuff because again, it's like, yeah, there was stuff that I was doing that was like this. It was just like a different format. I was just like listening to tapes in which people prank called other people.

So I go back and forth between being like, yeah, it's all the same stuff. It's just like a new version of the same stuff. And then, like, my more, maybe my more, you know, old man thing is more like pearl clutching where I'm like, Oh, God! This is what the kids do now! I worry for our society! You know, I just like dither back and forth between those two things.

Amory: Between the kids are alright and the kids are not alright.

Ben: Yeah!

Amory: Yeah!

Jacob: Alright well if you think all of this is weird and hard to explain, things are about to get WEIRDER. More on that right after this break.


Jacob: Alright, so, Skibidi Toilet. It's this amalgamation of two songs. The beat is from Timbaland's Give It To Me. And this Russian 3D artist, who goes by the uh, YouTube handle DaFuqBoom. They mix it with Biser. He's a Bulgarian singer. And this is his song, “Dom Dom Yes”. So here it is. Skibidi Toilet by DaFuqBoom.

[Skibidi Toilet plays]

Amory: Oh my god. There's a head that poked out of a toilet. And, and sang a song.

Ben: So it is the new No Diggity is what we're saying. You know.

Amory: That was terrifying. Once the bitmojis came around, those really freaked me out, and that was like a singing bitmoji popping out of a toilet.

Jacob: Oh my god.

Amory: That will be in my nightmares. And it had 3 million views and 46, 000 comments. What does it mean? What does skibidi mean?

Ben: You know, skibidi, it means skibidi.

Jacob: So that's where Skibbity comes from.

Ben: Okay.

Amory: It’s like a scatting. It doesn't, it doesn't hold any meaning on its own, other than it's like It's like scat.

Ben: Yes.

Amory: Wow.


Jacob: Ben, how do you think you'd react if your kid saw Skibidi Toilet or was a Skibidi Toilet child?

Amory: The Skibidi Toilet Generation. [laughs]

Ben: I mean calling them a skibidi toilet child makes me a little uncomfortable. However, uh, however, I mean, you know, kids do the darnedest things, that's cool with me. I think they're too young to be sticking out there to, uh, gyat for the rizzler. But if they want to, um, if, you know, if they like the skibidi toilet song and they wanna bump that, I'm cool with it.

Amory: I don't know the amount of time that people are spending watching these streamers, but Ben, if your kids hobby became watching streamers, how does that change things? If watching streamers becomes an activity for them?

Ben: I would not be using my precious time to partake in that with them. But it is true, that is like one of the parenting things that you're supposed to do, right? Like, you're supposed to opt into this stuff with your kids and be like, Alright, like, what are you into? I'll be into that with you, you know?

Amory: Hello, fellow kids.

Ben: Yeah, hello fellow kids, exactly! Exactly. Yes, skibidi, yay! I'll stick out my whatever for the rizzler, sure!

Amory: They're like, ugh, dad!

Ben: Yeah, yeah, exactly. So, I guess I go back to like, it's cool. Like, kids got their own thing. Kids always have their own things. So, you gotta support them and, you know, hope that it's not rotting their brain too hard. And, uh, you know, kick them out of the house every once in a while and take their phones and, and tell them to go like, you know, uh, make some, make a spear and, and, uh, you know, throw it at a tree or something. I don't know.

Amory: go get a grass stain, will ya?

Ben: Yeah, exactly. Yeah.


Jacob: Alright, so, we've stuck out our gyat, we know who the Rizzler is, we know what it means to be skibidi, or what skibidi is.

Amory: No we don't, but sure.

Ben: Sometimes nonsense is like the thing that is the universal language, you know? Like skibidi… skibidi could go around the world and back, you know?

Jacob: The last part of the song is, uh, Freaking come here, give me your Ohio.

Amory: Ohio!

Jacob: Ohio! Ohio is also very popular in meme culture.

Amory: Really?

Jacob: Yeah!

Amory: I’m listening!

Jacob: This dates back to 2015. Uh, The Sugar Bowl, Floyd Johnson, aka Floyd from Ohio, is wearing a sweater that reads, Ohio against the world, and people sort of just love that.

Amory: My sister has a shirt that says that. Yep.

Jacob: No way!

Amory: I'm from Ohio. I grew up there. We have, we, I, we each have some Ohio themed merch.

Jacob: Did you know that the internet is calling Ohio the meme state?

Ben: Wow.

Amory: Why?

Jacob: Well, there's just been a bunch of internet memes about Ohio, like how cool Ohio is or how amazing Ohio is. If you Google Ohio versus the world, you're going to see a bunch of great memes of Ohio, the state literally taking over America.

Amory: Yeah, so the, uh, the, the northern half of the U. S. is Upper Ohio. The southern half is Lower Ohio. And Canada is soon to be Ohio.

Ben: Amory, I'm sure will take umbrage to this, but, but it's still correct. Ohio is an incredibly boring state. So like some of this is like pretending that Ohio is not boring and that it's everything.

Amory: It's not boring. It's just, it's very hard to, like, Like, other than us being a swing state, and having the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, it's hard to know what to, like, Ohio, question mark? You know?

Ben: Yeah. I think, I think, I think you just proved my point there. I feel like, you

Amory: No, no, I'm, I'm saying, like, I, I get it. It's hard to say, like, Ohio, what does that, like, where, yeah.

Ben: Well, Amory, do you feel smarter?

Amory: Do I feel smarter? No, no, in fact, what I was going to just say is like, I really do wonder sometimes if we were to lose the internet for, let's say, a month, would we come back to it and be like, wow, amazing? Or would we come back to it after spending a month not on the internet and go, how did we ever find this interesting? I don't know the answer to that. I'm just saying, like, that's what makes me wonder is if we have advanced to the point where we're creating new kinds of content to make the internet feel new and novel, or if we would come back to it and be like, What? What were we doing? What were we watching? What made that interesting? Did that, was that interesting because we were so saturated? I don't know. I'm just throwing it out there.

Ben: Well, you know, I think there's only one way to find out.

Amory: We need to get off the internet for a month?

Ben: No, we, we have to, you know, stick out our….

Amory: Oh god. Gyats?

Ben: For the rizzler. We have to do it for the rizzler.


Amory: So Jacob, what was the takeaway from you? Learning about Gen Alpha's new lingo as a Gen Z person, like, what have you learned about, about us, about internet culture? Why, why is this something that we should all kind of maybe be more aware of or open our eyes to?

Jacob: We're at a time right now where Gen Zers are getting older, right? And they're starting to feel a bit more out of touch with the internet. And my generation was, was raised on the internet. Like I talked to my little brother. He's like, “Oh yeah, that's this thing. This is that. Kai Sanai, he does all these things with his friends.” I'm finally starting to get at that age where I'm feeling maybe a little older, maybe a little wiser, maybe less sucked into the internet, but then the stuff like this just pulls me right back in.

Amory: Don't give in, Jacob. Don't give in. Welcome to my world. Come pick flowers with me.

Ben: I think we all, as we age, we start to lose the vernacular that feels so natural to us as a young person. You know, for a long time, like you're saying, Jacob, we all just like automatically get this stuff and it feels, and it feels very easy to understand because we are sort of producing it and are the product of it.

But as we get older, we start to lose that sort of, I don't know what you would call it, pop culture vernacular or like understanding of what is happening, um, what the kids are up to, what, what's hip, what's cool, like we start losing all of that. And so there is like a normal thing that happens to every generation as they age, which is like, I don't know what these damn kids are talking about.

But then there's also another thing happening, which is, again, that the internet is basically like splintering the way that we all communicate, um, when it comes to communicating via pop culture or communicating with pieces of pop culture or culture. And so I think that is at play here too, where it's like, Everything is speeding up more and more and more and more and more.

Um, and then also disappearing faster and faster and faster and faster and faster to the point where Jacob, like you don't, you see this stuff and you're like, what the hell are they talking about?

Jacob: I think it's also meant to be confusing and meant to make you feel old. I mean, when you listen to the song, it's like a prepubescent boy, right, saying this, it's supposed to be like overwhelming, you know, you hear this for the first time, it's like, what are all these words coming at me? And it's basically just a meme. Of us observing memes, like it's, it's all just so meta and wrapped up into itself and it's, it's making fun of itself. It's like, the internet is fast, and you're not always gonna understand what's going on, and this is just a brief moment in time.

Ben: Damn skippy

Amory: Yeah, man.

Ben: Alright. You're going to play us some songs.

Jacob: No. You're gonna sing me some songs.

Ben: Oh okay. All right.

Jacob: Amory you're gonna be covering Toxic

Amory: Hell yeah.

Jacob: by Britney Spears, but it's called Sigma.

Amory: Sure.

Ben: Try it out.

Amory: This song is so good.

Baby Gronk rizzed me, and Livvy D

A gyatt like yours should wear a warning

It's dangerous, I'm rizzing

It’s skibidi, I can't wait

I need Ohio, sigma, give me it

You're Kai Cenat, I'm loving it

Too hot, can't rizz now

Losing my food, Fanum' taxin 'round

Do you feel me now?

With a taste of your gyatt, I'm in Ohio

You're sigma, I'm rizzing under

Taste of a skibidi paradise

I'm addicted to you

Don't you know that you're sigma?

And I love what you do

Don't you know that you're sigma?


Ben: I think it works.

Jacob: Yeah!

Ben:  This is gonna be a hit. This is gonna be a hit again.

Jacob: Alright Ben. It’s your turn.

Ben: Alright.

Jacob: And for you I’ve got one of your favorites, Blackstreet

Ben: Love it.

Jacob: And this one is a no brainer. Instead of No Diggity. You’re gonna be doing No Skibidi.

Ben: haha okie dokie! Alright, I’m ready.

Jacob: Take it away.

Ben Singing: East Ohio to west Ohio

Pushin' Kai Cenat, it's no surprise

She got fanum in the stash, stacking up the tax

Fast when it comes to the gyatt

By no means average

She's Sigma, she's got to have it

Baby, you're a perfect ten, I wanna get in

Can I get gyatt so I can win?

I like the way you work it

No skibidi, I got to rizz it up, rizz it up

I like the way you work it

No skibidi, I got to rizz it up, rizz it up yeah

I like the way you work it

No skibidi, I got to rizz it up, rizz it up

I like the way you work it

No skibidi, I got to rizz it up, rizz it up girl.

Amory: That was beautiful.

Jacob: That was great.

Amory: And deep.

Jacob: And Deep!

Amory: Well Jacob, thank you so much for keeping us young.

Jacob: I think I'm gonna need a break from the internet.

Ben: Yeah, I mean, you deserve one.

Amory: Yeah, you, you did lose hours at the very least off your life

Jacob: Oh my gosh, yeah, absolutely. Although, I think they might have been restored by, uh, both of your singing.

Amory: Oh, good. Yeah. Whenever you're feeling old, just say, you know what? Skibbity. And you're right back. You're right back to where you started.

Headshot of Jacob Garcia

Jacob Garcia Newsroom Fellow
Jacob Garcia was a newsroom fellow at WBUR.


Headshot of Emily Jankowski

Emily Jankowski Sound Designer
Emily Jankowski is a sound designer for WBUR’s podcast department. She mixes and designs for Endless Thread, Last Seen and The Common.


Headshot of Ben Brock Johnson

Ben Brock Johnson Executive Producer, Podcasts
Ben Brock Johnson is the executive producer of podcasts at WBUR and co-host of the podcast Endless Thread.



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