
Mass. House of Representatives Passes Police Reform Bill, Legislation Consensus Still Needed

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The Massachusetts State House. (Jesse Costa/WBUR)
The Massachusetts State House. (Jesse Costa/WBUR)

Following major protests of police violence against Black people and calls for racial justice, the effort on Beacon Hill to reform police is moving forward.

The Massachusetts House of Representatives passed a sweeping police reform bill Friday night. The bill seeks to curb the use of force tactics by police and certify all officers in the state.

The legislation still needs to go through a House-Senate conference committee for resolution. The committee will try to get a consensus bill to Gov. Charlie Baker by the end of the month.

WBUR's Sharon Brody was joined by Rep. Carlos González, chair of the Massachusetts Black and Latino Legislative Caucus, to discuss the bill.

This segment aired on July 25, 2020.


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Sharon Brody News Host
Sharon Brody is the voice of WBUR's weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, she anchors the news for Weekend Edition and other popular programs.


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Derek J. Anderson Digital Producer
Derek J. Anderson is a digital producer for WBUR.



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