
A library vending machine comes to Cape Cod

The AutoLend Library vending machine at the Osterville Village Library. (Courtesy of the Osterville Village Library)
The AutoLend Library vending machine at the Osterville Village Library. (Courtesy of the Osterville Village Library)

The Osterville Village Library in Barnstable has rolled out a new way to check out books: a vending machine.

The AutoLend Library, as it's called, works like a Redbox kiosk. People can browse through offerings on a screen and read more about their selection before borrowing. All told, the vending machine holds 250 pieces of media, from books of different genres and reading levels, to DVDs and wifi hotspots.

Eventually, the machine will even be able to take requests for materials, allowing people to pick up their preferred titles on their own time.

Cyndy Cotton, the executive director of the Osterville library on the Cape, said she's thrilled about giving patrons a new way to access library services when it works for them.

"Learning and reading and literacy is the key to the kingdom. It just opens so many doors and to have access to that wherever you are is really important," Cotton said. "I know some places are cutting hours which limits accessibility. So having the opportunity for people to come when it's convenient for them is so important."

Cotton offered multiple reasons why the flexibility of a kiosk would work for library patrons.  Some people work long shifts and can't go to the library when it's open. Others don't feel comfortable going indoors in public post-COVID. Perhaps someone is traveling and needs to grab something quickly. Or maybe using technology is a way for kids to get excited about checking out a book.

"They can come in when it's convenient for them," she said. "Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, holidays, snow days, whatever day, it's available."

A person selects a book on the library vending machine. (Courtesy of the Osterville Village Library)
A person selects a book on the library vending machine. (Courtesy of the Osterville Village Library)

The Osterville Village Library is the first on the Cape and only library east of Worcester that has the vending machine, Cotton said. But it's not just for to Barnstable residents: Anyone with a CLAMS card, a library card that works for a consortium of libraries across the Cape and Islands, can borrow from the machine. Even if you're not a CLAMS holder, Cotton encouraged visitor to see the new device.

"I just hope people when they're traveling to Cape Cod this summer will come by the library and see the machine," she said. "We'll be happy to show anybody who would like to see how it works. It's intuitive. It's beautiful."

Headshot of Samantha Coetzee

Samantha Coetzee Associate Producer
Samantha Coetzee was an associate producer for WBUR's Morning Edition.


Headshot of Katie Cole

Katie Cole Associate Producer, Digital
Katie Cole is an associate producer for digital.



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