
MBTA workers save baby bunnies from Blue Line tracks

About eight baby bunnies were rescued from potential danger along a stretch of T tracks Tuesday, after MBTA workers found a nest near a Blue Line rail yard.

The agency said the bunnies were relocated to a safer spot off the tracks.

A rabbit that was rescued near Blue Line tracks earlier this week. (Courtesy photo MBTA)
A rabbit that was rescued near Blue Line tracks earlier this week. (Courtesy photo MBTA)

"Every life is precious, and we're glad they were able to act quickly," the T said in a statement.

This is the second animal rescue in the last couple of weeks by the MBTA. Last week, T officials said workers moved a turtle from the tracks of the Green Line D branch at Chestnut Hill:

And a reminder: If you own a pet bunny, please keep it in a carrier while riding the T.

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Meghan B. Kelly Multi-platform Editor
Meghan is the multi-platform editor for WBUR.



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