
Thousands of Haitians prepare to trek through Panama's jungle and on to the U.S.

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Haitian migrants in Necoclí, Colombia, walk toward boats that will take them to the town of Acandí, across the Gulf of Urabá. The boats can't keep up with the number of Haitians looking to travel from Colombia through the jungle to Panama to eventually reach the U.S. (Carlos Villalón for NPR)
Haitian migrants in Necoclí, Colombia, walk toward boats that will take them to the town of Acandí, across the Gulf of Urabá. The boats can't keep up with the number of Haitians looking to travel from Colombia through the jungle to Panama to eventually reach the U.S. (Carlos Villalón for NPR)

This article was originally published on September 27, 2021.


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