
Making weather forecasts is hard. Getting people to understand them is even harder

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In this 2013 photo, National Weather Service Director Louis Uccellini (left) gives a tour of NOAA's Center for Weather and Climate Prediction to Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker (second from left), Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) (third from right), NOAA Acting Administrator Kathryn Sullivan (second from right), and Bryan Norcross (right) of the Weather Channel. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
In this 2013 photo, National Weather Service Director Louis Uccellini (left) gives a tour of NOAA's Center for Weather and Climate Prediction to Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker (second from left), Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) (third from right), NOAA Acting Administrator Kathryn Sullivan (second from right), and Bryan Norcross (right) of the Weather Channel. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)


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