
See how Kharkiv's bomb squad neutralizes cluster bombs in Ukraine

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Kharkiv Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) technicians Maksim and Maksim walk back to their truck after detonating the first of 24 unexploded, timed mines. They were able to safely dispose of the mines in Bilashi on Saturday. Maksim (left) is holding the remains of the exploded cluster munition is his left hand. The mine was dropped by a cluster bomb Friday night. (NPR)
Kharkiv Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) technicians Maksim and Maksim walk back to their truck after detonating the first of 24 unexploded, timed mines. They were able to safely dispose of the mines in Bilashi on Saturday. Maksim (left) is holding the remains of the exploded cluster munition is his left hand. The mine was dropped by a cluster bomb Friday night. (NPR)

This article was originally published on April 24, 2022.


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