
Food For Thought: Meat-Based Diet Made Us Smarter

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<strong>Om Nom Nom:</strong> As we began to shy away from eating primarily fruit, leaves and nuts and began eating meat, our brains grew.  We developed the capacity to use tools, so our need for large, sharp teeth and big grinders waned. From left, a cast of teeth from a chimpanzee, <em>Australopithecus afarensis</em> and a modern human. (Institute of Human Origins)
Om Nom Nom: As we began to shy away from eating primarily fruit, leaves and nuts and began eating meat, our brains grew. We developed the capacity to use tools, so our need for large, sharp teeth and big grinders waned. From left, a cast of teeth from a chimpanzee, Australopithecus afarensis and a modern human. (Institute of Human Origins)



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