
Among The Lucky Few: Syrian Family Rebuilds In America's Heartland

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Top: Omar Al-Awad holds his daughter Taiba, 4, as they walk to their home in Toledo, Ohio, where they were recently resettled after fleeing Syria and living in a Jordanian refugee camp for two years. Left: The only possessions Omar brought from Syria were baby photos and his grandmother's identification card. Right: Omar's wife, Hiyam, watches as the family of five gets ready for school. (NPR)
Top: Omar Al-Awad holds his daughter Taiba, 4, as they walk to their home in Toledo, Ohio, where they were recently resettled after fleeing Syria and living in a Jordanian refugee camp for two years. Left: The only possessions Omar brought from Syria were baby photos and his grandmother's identification card. Right: Omar's wife, Hiyam, watches as the family of five gets ready for school. (NPR)



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