
U.S. Unconditional Withdrawal Rattles Afghanistan's Shaky Peace Talks

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Former President Hamid Karzai (left) and Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar (second right) attend an international peace conference in Moscow, Russia, in March. Russia hosted a peace conference for Afghanistan, bringing together government representatives and their Taliban adversaries along with regional observers in a bid to help jump-start the country's stalled peace process. (Pool/AP)
Former President Hamid Karzai (left) and Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar (second right) attend an international peace conference in Moscow, Russia, in March. Russia hosted a peace conference for Afghanistan, bringing together government representatives and their Taliban adversaries along with regional observers in a bid to help jump-start the country's stalled peace process. (Pool/AP)

This article was originally published on April 28, 2021.



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