
Super Bowl Haiku XVII

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Brett Keisel wasn't included, but his beard should have gotten a mention. (AP)
Brett Keisel wasn't included, but his beard should have gotten a mention. (AP)

Pack's back. Knack for sack
While fans snack may crack the back
Of Steelers' attack.

Vince Lombardi's wife
Sought a map to find Green Bay.
Found it. Bought some boots.

Packers by three points?!
What? You think Rothlisberger's
Not quite all redeemed?

The whole world watches.
Well, maybe not the whole world.
How 'bout Djibouti?

I to XLV,
Does any player really
Go to Disneyland?

Green hopes in Green Bay.
Black hearts of the dark Steelers.
Oh, that's just silly.

Does luck play a role?
Sure. Tom Brady's quite lucky,
Home, watching with wife.

"Kickers aren't players,"
Secretly their teammates sneer.
Until the last kick.

Football soars, wind-blown,
Wobbles toward long, stone fingers
That don't know they're stone.

"Red, right," comes the call.
"Slant 6, wait, that's an engine."
Ten men think, "uh-oh."

Pittsburgh may prevail.
Green Bay, great once, grants nothing.

Late bright green and white,
The Empire State Building weeps…
Or would, if it could.

Bart Star. Paul Hornung.
Franco Harris. Mean Joe Greene.
Doing other stuff.

Sports? Our religion.
Super Bowl? Our Holy Day.
Cable goes out? Hell.

Bears, fearsome of late,
Slumber, quiet in dark caves,
Far from bright Dallas.

Pats fans, baffled, whine:
"Our team's better; we'd have won…
If we hadn't lost."

Cowboys, at home, muse:
Would have been Super home game,
Were we any good.

Super Bowl inspires
Waves of frothy sentiment,
Marketing's high tide.


Vegas sports books fill
Early with bent men longing
To, please, break even.

The Super Bowl shines
With promise, like life, at least
Until you get decked.

February bash!
With any luck, when you wake,
Dirty snow is gone.

Hype, kick-off, ads, ads
Ads, ads, ads, half-time, ads, ads
Ads, final gun, ads
-Walt Bures, KIOS-Omaha, NE

Argh. oof. unh. unh. unh.
Mmm. eerg. orgh. ooh-ah. ah-ooh
Humma. humma. muahhh.
-Ted O'Brien, former WBUR-Boston anchor

This segment aired on February 5, 2011.

Headshot of Bill Littlefield

Bill Littlefield Host, Only A Game
Bill Littlefield was the host of Only A Game from 1993 until 2018.



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