
Power, Money And Corruption: The Story Of The NCAA

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Should college athletes be paid? The majority of blacks in the U.S. think they should. The majority of whites do not. (Keith Srakocic/AP)
Should college athletes be paid? The majority of blacks in the U.S. think they should. The majority of whites do not. (Keith Srakocic/AP)

This week on Only A Game, we dedicate the entire hour to one question: Should college athletes be paid?

As you've probably heard, big-time college sports are in trouble. Two weeks ago, the FBI arrested 10 people, including four college basketball coaches for allegedly accepting bribes to funnel players to certain agents and financial advisers.

But the problems with the NCAA didn't begin on Sept. 26, when those charges were announced. The story of the NCAA is a story of power, money and corruption. It's been going on for a long time. And it's the athletes and their families who get hurt.

"I wake up in the middle of the night dreaming that I walk in the door, and he's hanging or he shot himself because he's that depressed," the mother of a former college basketball player tells Only A Game. "You put trust in these universities. You trust them with your kid on and off the court. And once you're a damaged good, they just kick you to the curb."

We've spent the past couple months trying to figure out how the NCAA and amateurism went wrong. And can the system be fixed? Or does it need to be dismantled?

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This program aired on October 14, 2017.


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