
What A Trump Presidency Might Mean For Massachusetts

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President-elect Donald Trump gives his acceptance speech during his election night rally, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016, in New York. (John Locher/AP)
President-elect Donald Trump gives his acceptance speech during his election night rally, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016, in New York. (John Locher/AP)

This hour, we look at how a Donald Trump presidency could affect local politics and how Massachusetts legislators are reacting to the election results.

We also hear from listeners about what they think of Donald Trump as president and what they're hoping to see from both Republicans and Democrats.

Interview Highlights

Lou Murray (starting around 2:00) On His Candidate Becoming President

"I was going to come in wearing my Trump gear, Make America Great Again hat... and I said no, you know what, today is a day for us to come together.

"I want to say, to quote Bill Clinton, 'I feel your pain.' I've been there. Really good, hard-fought battle and I look forward to working with you to make the country better."

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (starting around 9:40) On What The Election Results Mean

"I think people in this country are angry. I think a lot of anger is misguided toward the presidential election but really was focused on the inability of Congress and Senate to act in Washington. It shows you that we do have some deep divisions in our country... I hope Donald Trump can address some of this.

"I think that his first 100 days should be focused on an agenda to move the country forward... Some of the impacts we could have is through different federal funding. I'm concerned about the Supreme Court, the rulings the Supreme Court will make. Boston's a unique city, Boston leads the way in a lot of different ways and we're gonna continue to lead the way regardless of who the president is... We're gonna still be a city that's welcoming to everyone.

"People in the communities in support of [ballot question 4] will also have to accept that there'll be pot shops in their neighborhood... There's not a lot we can do with that. I know the voters in MA a few years ago legalized medical marijuana and we're having a very difficult time trying to site medical marijuana facilities... There's a still a lot of unanswered questions I have."

Ellen Fitzpatrick (starting around 16:00) On The Glass Ceiling Clinton Faced

"Our lives have been very different than the lives of many of our mothers and we have had opportunities and greater equality in the workplace and also encouragement to seek opportunities that many women did not have. And yet, in American political life, there was always this territory that had not yet been explore or inhabited I should say by women that is.

"It's also true that men of color were much more supportive of Clinton than they were of Trump. There's a huge divide racially in the response of white Americans whether college-educated or not and African-Americans, Latinos and others, to Donald Trump. But there is a significant gender gap in this election and part of it has to do with the preference of white men for Donald Trump. It's not just about the response to Hillary Clinton — it can be read the other way as well.

"I think we are much farther away from a woman president. Having studied this history... since Victoria Woodhull ran in 1872, I think it's pretty hard to imagine that. I think that [the idea of a women president soon] shows a very profound lack of understanding of what it has taken a woman to get within striking distance of the presidency."


Senate President Stanley Rosenberg (starting around 23:00) On Election Results

"The voters have spoken and in our system of government, there will be some mourning and grieving among those who lost, that is their candidate didn't make it to the finish line but when we get past that we have to unify and move forward. I think it will be challenging for a lot of people because...  a lot of things were said that were very painful for people and it's going to take a bit of effort to get over those things.

"If you look at what's happening right here in the State House... if you see the progressive legislation that's being put through, this is a set of ideas and policies that are seeking to move the commonwealth forward. If this were replicated throughout the system... we would have a much more progressive voice for our country... from transgender rights to pay equity to earned income tax credit increase... I daresay Bernie Sanders would've endorsed them all."

Vincent DeVito (starting around 37:00) On Why His Candidate Should Be President

"The way this rolled out I think is terrific for the country. I expect for him to do exactly what he campaigned on to the American people which is long on change, but not change in the sense of change for the sake of just doing it. Real change. We're talking about tax reform, we're talking about trade reform, we're talking about immigration reform, we're talking about security interests.

"People who voted for President Trump, they're very exited about the fact that he is going to deliver on the campaign promises that he gave to him. And they understand that he is a person who knows how to do things, surround himself with serious people that know how to not be afraid of doing things that are ambitious.

"With regards to Obamacare, the premiums are being raised wildly. It's a huge issue in this campaign... If you looked at the exit polls yesterday, it was certainly a driver.

"The Republican party under President-elect Trump, and the United States of America, is going to be a much improved country. Donald Trump did not run on divisive issues... 'America First' policy is a unifying policy."


Lou Murray, life insurance salesman, delegate to the Republican National Convention from the 8th Congressional District. He tweets @louislmurrayjr1.

Marty Walsh, mayor of Boston. He tweets @marty_walsh.

Ellen Fitzpatrick, professor of history at the University of New Hampshire and author of "The Highest Glass Ceiling: Women’s Quest for the American Presidency." She tweets @ellenfitzp.

Stanley Rosenberg, Massachusetts Senate president. He tweets @senstan.

Vincent DeVito, chair of the Trump campaign in Massachusetts. He tweets @realvdevito.

This segment aired on November 9, 2016.


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Alison Bruzek Associate Producer, Radio Boston
Alison Bruzek was a producer for Radio Boston.


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Kathleen McNerney Senior Producer / Editor, Edify
Kathleen McNerney was the senior producer/editor of Edify.


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Jamie Bologna Senior Producer/Director, Radio Boston
Jamie Bologna was senior producer and director of Radio Boston.



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