
BPS Superintendent Brenda Cassellius Closes One Defining School Year, And Looks Ahead To Another

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School's out. Summer is here. But there is so much work to do.

There are preparations for what will hopefully be the first normal return to school since the pandemic started. There's the work of helping kids overcome learning loss, trauma, mental health strains from the last fifteen months. And, if you're Brenda Cassellius, the head of the Boston Public Schools, there are a number of institutional challenges that also have to be addressed.

Superintendent Cassellius joins us for a check in as the school year closes out. We then turn to WBUR's Max Larkin for analysis.

This segment aired on June 24, 2021.

Headshot of Paris Alston

Paris Alston Host, Consider This
Paris Alston was WBUR's host of the Consider This podcast and a former producer for Radio Boston.


Headshot of Tiziana Dearing

Tiziana Dearing Host, Radio Boston
Tiziana Dearing is the host of Radio Boston.


Headshot of Max Larkin

Max Larkin Reporter, Education
Max Larkin was an education reporter for WBUR.


Headshot of Hafsa Quraishi

Hafsa Quraishi Associate Producer, Here & Now
Hafsa Quraishi is an associate producer for Here & Now.



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