
Local doctor and ethicist argues we're not ready for artificial wombs

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A doctor performs an ultrasound scan on a pregnant woman at a hospital. (Teresa Crawford/AP)
A doctor performs an ultrasound scan on a pregnant woman at a hospital. (Teresa Crawford/AP)

The artificial womb isn't some science fiction concept. The device, which functions outside of the body, looks like a sack filled with fluid and it could help a 20- to 24-week fetus reach viability. So far, it's been tested only in animals.

An FDA advisory group is currently considering whether to permit first-in human clinical trials.

But Dr. Louise P. King, an OB-GYN at Brigham and Women’s and director of reproductive bioethics at the Center for Bioethics at Harvard, says we haven't answered all of the ethical questions about this new technology. She argues until we have proper ethical guidelines, we should not move forward with clinical trials.

Dr. King joins Radio Boston to discuss.

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Yasmin Amer Executive Producer, Radio Boston
Yasmin Amer is Executive Producer of WBUR's Radio Boston.


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Tiziana Dearing Host, Radio Boston
Tiziana Dearing is the host of Radio Boston.



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